past shows 1999
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Toshio Shibata / April 1 -May 27, 1999
1999 Columbia University, at The Graduate School of Archithecture Planning and Presentation, 400 Avery Hall, 1172 Amsterdam Avenue, NY. NY. 10027
Photographed by © Yuji Takahashi
1999 Sprengel Museum, Kurt- Schwitters-Platz 30169 Hannover, Germany
Toshio Shibata The Quintessence of Japan / March 17 - May 9, 1999
1999 Gallery Luisotti, at Bergamot Station 2525 Michigan Avenue a2 Santa Monica, CA 90404
Tel (310) 453 0043 Fax (310) 264 4888
Visions of Japan
July 17 - September 11, 1999
1999 Dryphoto, at Dryphoto Arte Contemporanea: Via Pugliesi 23 I-59100 Prato, Italy
tel (0039) 0574 604939 Fax (0039) 0574 444508
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